McMaster Undergraduate Degree

McMaster University offers many undergraduate degree options, across all academic fields of study. Explore some of them here.

Bachelor Degree:

Full and Part-time is available

Units to Complete: 90

An undergraduate degree can be achieved in any of McMaster’s seven faculties. To complete a Bachelor Degree, you must complete a total of 90 units (approx. 30 courses)

Honours Bachelor Degree:

Full and part-time is available

Units Required to Complete: 120

Offers students a more specialized focus in the subject being studied. To complete an Honours Bachelor Degree, you must complete a total of 120 units (approx. 40 courses)


Full and part-time is available

Units Required to Complete: 24

Is an option available to students enrolled in a four- or five level degree program.

A minor consists of 24 units of which normally no more than six units may be from level 1 that meet the requirements set out in the program description of that Minor. The completed 24 units of the minor can be incorporated into your total units of the honours degree

Certificates and Diplomas  

Full and part-time is available

Units Required to Complete Certificate: 18

Units Required to Complete Diploma: 24

A Diploma or Certificate of Completion acknowledges that the recipient has completed a minimum of 30 hours of education and has successfully completed an evaluation component (exam, project, paper or presentation) that assesses the individual’s learning. The completed units can be incorporated into your total units of the honours degree.

For a full list of all degrees, and the programs offered within them, please consult McMaster’s List Of Programs By Degrees